
European Sunlight Association

voice of the european indoor tanning industry

News - Page 3 of 9 - European Sunlight Association

July 26th, 2019
Updated Scientific Overview

In the scientific community, a sheer incredible number of papers are published in fields that are relevant to our industry, for example UV radiation or the synthesis of vitamin D and its’ implication […]

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February 8th, 2019
International Factsheet on Sunbeds

This week, ESA published a Factsheet on UV exposure, sunbeds and tanning including 6 facts you may not know yet. Proper sun care is extremely important, we all agree on that. Yet, exposure […]

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November 30th, 2016
ESA launches European eLearning platform for its members

This week ESA launches its European training platform for sunbed operators and their staff. The new training is compliant with the European Standard EN-16489. Sunbeds are designed to offer a controlled tanning environment. […]

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