
European Sunlight Association

voice of the european indoor tanning industry

sunlight Archives - European Sunlight Association

November 2nd, 2016
International Vitamin D Day: myths & facts about Vitamin D

On the occasion of the International Vitamin D day that is celebrated every year on November 2nd, we would like to share with you today “Vitamin D Facts & Myths” that the Vitamin […]

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September 23rd, 2016
Interview in PAN Science & Technology: On the bright side

In this interview, European Sunlight Association (ESA) spokesman Gary Lipman reflects on the imbalanced reporting of UV exposure, which the ESA believes is demonising sunshine and contributing to reduced levels of Vitamin D […]

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May 27th, 2016
Say yes to sunlight

A group of scientists recently confirmed that Europe is suffering a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency[1]; some weeks ago a study carried out in Sweden shed light on the negative effects of sun […]

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