(Luxembourg) Last week on Tuesday (12 April), 11 representatives of the indoor tanning industry from Europe and beyond participated in the hearing on sunbeds organized by the European Commission and the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) held in Luxembourg.
“The hearing showed that the preliminary opinion does not justify any changes to the current standards or legislation applicable to sunbeds in Europe”, ESA President Christina Lorenz concluded. .“It was also a very good sign to see that scientists from the respective fields (UV, Vitamin D, light,…) participated in the hearing and reinforced industry’s comments. All in all, a very holistic image of the areas for improvement of the preliminary opinion was painted. We now expect SCENIHR to take a critical look at the draft prepared by its working group.”
The final opinion will be published once all comments are reviewed and after it has been approved by a plenary meeting of the scientific committee. You will find more information about it on our website in the coming months.
You can find the full press statement here.